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Optimize Your Home’s Energy Efficiency this Winter

Nov 15, 2023

Optimize Your Home’s Energy Efficiency this Winter 

We’ve already been hearing rumors of a harsh winter ahead of us in the Hampton Roads. With the colder weather comes a greater need to keep your family safe and warm, all winter long. As we approach the colder months, K.M. Cash Construction has our beloved clients in mind! We’ve created a list of 4 great ways to optimize and maintain energy efficiency in your home so you and your family can stay safe and comfortable throughout the season without breaking the bank.

1. LED Lighting

One of the easiest ways to lower your electric bill is to make sure any and all lighting within your home uses LED bulbs. It’s proven that LED bulbs use an estimated 75% less energy than traditional bulbs! When lighting your Christmas tree this year, consider opting for this energy efficient option.

2. Daily Sunshine

Although daytime itself is shorter during the winter months, homeowners can take advantage of sunlight during the season to be more energy efficient as well.  Open those blinds and pull back those curtains as you rise each morning, allowing the natural sunlight to help heat your home and give your furnace a break.

Natural light home construction in Norfolk VA

3. Energy-Efficient Appliances

Investing in energy-efficient appliances is one of the surest ways to save on your energy bills each month and to keep your home comfy and cozy. Because this is the time of year that your furnace is working in overdrive, you’ll appreciate the monthly savings in water and electricity found through your home’s other appliances such as the stove and dishwasher.

4. Invest in Insulation

As expert home builders, we at K.M. Cash Construction know that the best way to invest in your home’s efficiency is by investing in quality insulation that’s properly installed throughout your entire home. By taking this important step and ensuring it’s completed just right, you’re saving yourself time and energy (literally!) in the future. As your Virginia Beach home builder, you can trust in us that your home will be built to last, keeping your family warm for all the winters to come.

home insulation virginia beach

K.M. Cash Construction is ready to build your energy-efficient Virginia Beach home this holiday season. Reach out to us today to start the conversation about your new home

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